6 Tricks for Effective Email Marketing

Plan your targeted email marketing campaign using these 6 tricks for success.

Plan your targeted email marketing campaign using these 6 tricks for success.

Let’s be honest: there are a few things we pay real attention to these days. It seems like we’re always thinking of something more fun or more useful we’d rather be doing.

In fact, some of the things we pay attention to most are those all-important notifications that pop up on our phones. The average person spends four hours every day on their phone. As a marketer, manager, or business owner, you can use that to your advantage with email marketing.

Don’t get us wrong: not all email marketing campaigns are game changers. If you want to make yours as successful as possible, try these targeted email marketing tricks.

Tips for Effective Targeted Email Marketing

Compared to print ads or radio sponsorships, email marketing is a low-cost marketing channel. Still, you want to get as much benefit as you can for your money. Get there with these great tricks.

1. Get Personal

There are plenty of benefits email marketing offers compared to other marketing strategies. One of those is your ability to personalize it.

Each email lands in a specific person’s inbox and you know whose inbox that is. This means you can cater every email to the individual recipient and what interests them.

We’re not talking about that old trick of tossing the recipient’s name into the subject. It can grab their attention if it goes well but if it doesn’t or if you don’t have everyone’s name, it comes out looking cheap and awkward.

A better way to personalize emails is to include specific recommendations based on the person’s activity on your site.

For instance, let’s say you’re selling promotional products to companies and you’re having a drinkware sale. Your system can evaluate which users have been looking at flasks, plastic cups, mugs, and other categories. When you email them about the sale, you can show pictures of their favorites.

2. Make It Simple

Every purchase can be an impulse buy if you time it right. To avoid losing customers during the process, though, you need to make it as easy as possible for them to complete the order.

In your email marketing, this is all about your linking.

The links in your email should go to actionable pages on your site. They also need to be specific.

Let’s go back to that promotional product example with the drinkware sale. If you’re advertising a mug that’s on sale, users should be able to click on that mug and go to its specific page so they can add it to their cart. Don’t make the entire recommendations section link to your general mugs page.

You also need to make it clear when you have a link. For instance, have a button under the mug that says “Shop now.” You don’t want customers to say, “I’ll have to look that up later,” and forget.

3. Change How You See Your Emails

Most companies look at email marketing as one of their many digital marketing channels. If you’re doing that, stop.

Think of your emails as an extension of your website. After all, the whole goal is to get people to take action on your site.

One way to do this is by stylizing your emails the same way as your website. For instance, buttons of your site and buttons in your emails should look the same. They should function the same way too.

As an added bonus, this helps you keep your branding consistent.

4. Use Directed Retargeting

Scheduled e-blasts are great and can go a long way toward your revenue goals. Don’t stop there, though.

Some of the most successful emails are those that you trigger with specific users’ actions. For instance, send a follow-up email to customers who abandon their shopping cart. Remind them of what they have in the cart and encourage them to complete their purchase.

You can also set up emails that trigger after a shopping session. If a user visits several pages on your site but doesn’t make a purchase, send them an email. Feature pictures of the items they reviewed to remind them what they’re missing.

5. Gather Wherever You Go

Everyone talks about how to market successfully when you already have an email list. They forget the importance of building that list, to begin with.

Gathering email addresses should be one of the objectives for your marketing campaigns. Every time you go to a trade show or marketing event, have a way to gather emails.

One of the most successful and easiest ways to get email addresses is through your website. Don’t just have an email sign-up prominently displayed. Give customers a reason to sign up too.

For instance, advertise giveaways and contents for your email subscribers. Offer discounts to those who sign up. Tell them what they stand to gain.

You can also use an email list service like EasyList. This is especially helpful when you have a specific campaign and want to target a distinct group.

In the process, make sure you always get permission to add email addresses to your list when users input them. Using spammy practices like signing people up without consent will come back to bite you.

6. Get to Know Your Data

One of the best benefits of email marketing is that every email and campaign gives you tons of data. Shockingly few businesses use that data, though.

Your email platform should show you stats like open rates, CTRs, the most successful links, and more.

You can also analyze your most successful emails and look for patterns. What was their content? How customized were they? What time of day did you send them?

Pay attention to that email marketing data on an ongoing basis and use it to inform your future campaigns. Don’t forget to look for any increases in users unsubscribing. That could mean you’re emailing too often, emailing too rarely, or doing something else they dislike.

Making Use of the All-Powerful Inbox

There’s no debating that people today are focused on our phones, and that includes your customers. Targeted email marketing is one of the most powerful ways to use that to your advantage.

The tips above are a powerful start to using your email marketing more effectively. If you’re ready to kick it into high gear, turn to the pros and contact Kompass business services today.


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