GDPR and B2B marketing, what’s real and what’s not?

In practical terms, the GDPR will not substantially modify current B2B practices.

By Kompass International

After more than 4 years of negotiations and some 4,000 amendments, the General Data Protection Regulation has just been implemented.

The changes and possible sanctions in the event of noncompliance (up to 4% of revenue or 20 million euros) are worrisome. Some people don’t hesitate to speak of a “revolution,” “big bang,” or even “apocalypse,” but let us agree to soften this talk by separating the truth from the lies. In fact, in a statement dated March 30, 2018, the CNIL specified that for B2B, it will still be possible to solicit someone through email without prior permission. (FR)

In practical terms, the GDPR will not substantially modify current B2B practices. (FR)

Review the rules that apply to prospecting: (FR)

GDPR and B2B marketing: a reminder of the rules to follow

Opt-out will remain standard in B2B prospecting, but the framework around the collection and protection of data is stricter, and certain conditions must be respected:

  • The company must inform the professional prospective customer that their information will be used for promotional purposes.
  • The recipient of advertising content must be allowed to opt out. The email must contain a straightforward and visible link to unsubscribe.
  • The content of messages must be related to its recipient’s line of work.
  • You are not allowed to purchase prospective email addresses and you must use a trusted third party to send prospecting emails. Only the information collected can be stored in the company’s database.

Kompass respects and implements actions in compliance with GDPR provisions. As a partner in company development, we offer customized services and one-stop solutions that meet the operational needs of marketing and sales departments.

Contact a Kompass expert to discover the most relevant solutions to reach your goals


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