Growth essentials: 6 reasons to translate your website professionally

13 January 2021

Gone are the days where businesses and companies are faceless entities. It's time to utilize tools to help you translate a website and connect with all customers.

By Kompass International

13 January 2021

Analysis shows that 54.5% of all webpages are in English.

However, the majority of the world’s population is non-English speaking. According to estimates, 20% of the global population speaks English. Out of this, a mere 5% are native speakers.

What this essentially boils down to is that there’s a massive gap in the market. A gap website owners and B2B companies can fill and generate broader reach and boosted revenue in return.

The key to positioning your business in this language gap? Choosing to translate a website professionally.

If you don’t go the professional translation route, you will be missing out on untapped markets, just like millions of other B2B operations.

Ready to find out all the reasons why professional translation for your site could be a standout strategy? Keep reading.

1. Translate a website = optimizing for global reach

If you are thinking of expanding your operations, then optimizing international search is one cornerstone strategy.

Having your site translated to cater to a broader customer base is one of the easiest, simplest, and most competitive ways to do this.

If global reach is your goal, you are essentially ignoring 95% of your potential customer base without professional site translation.

On the other hand, if you choose to make professional translations of your site available to overseas leads, this will position you in front of new eyes—in a language they can understand.

2. Buyers are more likely to purchase products from sites in their language

Did you know that many buyers won’t buy anything from a website that’s not in their language?

According to survey results from the European Commission, 42% of respondents won’t make purchases from a site they have to translate. Take note; these statistics do not apply to B2B buyers specifically, as this data is not yet publicly known.

However, these broad numbers are a good representation of the buying barrier that non-professionally translated sites present.

Professional translation is vital for most globally-focused B2B companies. However, if you sell products or services and are busy promoting your company abroad—translation is ever more essential.

3. Many people won’t even look at a site that’s not in their language

Another stat that the European Commission survey uncovered is that 20% of respondents wouldn’t even look at a site in their language. A further 90% preferred to browse sites translated into their first language.

Once again, these findings are not specific to B2B buyers. In many cases, B2B companies may be forced to leverage products and services from sites that aren’t translated.

However, one thing that becomes clear from these numbers is that, given a choice, a B2B buyer will likely give preference to a site in their language.

4. Bad translations erode trust

Besides drawing in more leads, a professionally translated website has another effect—building trust.

If your site isn’t translated, visitors will be forced to use Google Translate or a similar service to interact with it. While this is do-able, we all know about some of the unfortunate mistakes that can come from direct translation.

A famous example of this is when Pepsi decided to translate its slogan, “Pepsi brings you back to life,” into Mandarin. However, the direct Mandarin translation equated to “Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the grave.”

Yikes. Bet you wouldn’t want a faux pas like this hanging around on your business’s website.

The takeaway here is that although independent autotranslation errors might not be your doing, they still erode brand trust. Browsing a site that’s half gibberish isn’t going to establish trust in any potential client.

However, if your site is seamlessly translated, this will make your offering seem that much more trustworthy and professional.

5. Professional translations allow you to localize your message

If your B2B organization is planning a multi-regional expansion, you must localize your message. Localized messaging is vital, as it has been shown to have 600% more engagement.

Moreover, research also shows that B2B companies that implement effective localization can experience a 200% revenue increase outside their language borders.

Several things go into localizing your message, such as imagery, voice, tone, content, etc. However, language is the obvious overarching component.

6. Professional translations give you a competitive edge

Here’s a question. How many of your competitors professionally translate their sites?

If the answer is very few, then you have an impactful opportunity on your hands. Translating your site will set you apart from your competition in the eyes of non-English speakers. You will appear more professional, more trustworthy, and more able to cater to their needs—in their language.

Depending on what industry you’re in, gaining a competitive edge can be challenging. Professionally translating your site is an accessible, simple way to achieve this.

How to translate a website

If you are wondering how to translate a website, there are a few ways to go about it. You can hire an individual or work with a company.

In general, the most cost-efficient translation method is one where the content is auto-translated. After this, a professional translator then goes through with a fine-toothed combed and fixes direct translation and meaning errors.

Fill the gap

If you are wondering whether it’s worthwhile to translate a website, now you know the answer. Yes, it is.

Translating your online B2B platform might be the key you need to broadening your market and targeting non-English speaking leads.

Here at Kompass, we make it our business to help B2B businesses expand and reach their global potential.

Are you ready to supercharge your operations? If so, we have several services at your disposal, specifically designed to help broaden your reach and generate fresh leads and partnerships.

If you want to get started, check out our digital marketing campaign services to hyper-target customers through our global database.


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