25 May 2022
Many businesses are constantly engaged in work with texts, whatever they are:
- descriptions of your company products and services
- selling texts and posts
- blog articles
The task of such texts is not only to attract attention to your products and services, but also to properly build commercial content and effectively make it visible for the better search optimization.
You probably want your company materials to be not only informative, but also fascinating.
Achieving this is not as difficult as you think. Believe us, even if your name is not Stephen King, Joan Rowling or Den Brown, you can also write cool. According to Benyamin Elias, Director of Growth Marketing at Podia, ‘The final steps of copywriting are an art, but they are an art guided by science’. And we are here to tell you about 5 tricks that will seriously increase the level of your writing skills.
Shall we start?
1. Write short sentences
Every sentence in your text should be a complete thought. And the shorter and simpler it is, the easier it is for the reader to perceive it. Do you agree?
Your texts are not scientific work. You don’t have to seem smarter, no one likes smarts. Your task is to convey your thought to the reader.
Let’s give you some statistics:
- The length of an average sentence in any scientific journal is 60 words
- The length of an average sentence in the Harry Potter books is 12 words
And which of them people are reading more?
Yes, your text is not a Harry Potter story. Therefore, we recommend choosing a middle ground. Let your sentences on average contain 10-20 words.
And it is not our fantasy – you may find some facts in Semrush research.
Here are some stats:
- A sentence of 8 words is perceived by 100% readers
- Sentence of 8-14 words – by 90% readers
- But a sentence with 40 or more words – by 10% readers only.
Impressive, isn’t it?
If you are got used to lengthy sentences, it is probably difficult for you to even imagine how you can cut them. Yet it is possible.
Here are 2 tips on how to do this:
- Fewer words. It’s simple. If the sentence does not lose its meaning without a word, remove it. Usually, they are parenthesises of type “of course”, “certainly”, “obviously”, “as is well-known”.
- Fewer thoughts. No, it’s not about writing meaningless sentences. We’re saying that one sentence is one thought. Do not try to push a dozen of your ideas in one sentence.
Sure, this is not a granite rule. If there’s no way you can cut the sentence, leave it alone. But where possible (and possibly in 90% of cases), reduce it.
2. Ask and answer questions
When you write your text, you probably want it to be read. This is easy to achieve. It is enough to call attention of the readers.
How do you do that?
Ask the reader a question, and then answer it. We have just done so in 2 previous sentences.
Why do questions work?
They make the reader search for an answer. Even virtually, a person engages into a dialogue with you. If he has his own version, he hurries to check if it is correct. And he keeps reading you further on. If he doesn’t know the answer, he wants to know it. And also reads further on.
Most likely, you can anticipate the key questions your customers want to ask you.
For example, when we wrote this article, we were sure that you would want to ask:
- What length should the sentences be?
- How do I get the reader to finish reading my text?
- How to improve the quality of my texts?
3. Summarize research results
If you still want to seem smart (well, who does not want to), we recommend using this technique. Research is a powerful tool of persuasion.
However, no one is interested in reading dozens of pages of scientific text (see point 1, why). But if you summarize the data of the study and outline them briefly and clear, there will be a real advantage of your text.
Again, back to point 1. We gave you the study data on the optimal length of the sentence. Was that helpful? Yes. And at the same time, it was short and simple.
Using research data, both you and your readers will benefit from the following:
- The reader receives valuable knowledge from a reliable source
- You get the reader’s trust because you offer him verified information.
4.Use the correct words
Many copywriting gurus recommend using simple and short analogues of complex words. For example, instead of “networking” write “communication.”
We are absolutely not against simplifications. But they are not always appropriate. So, if your potential clients are people belonging to a certain social group, they are definitely familiar with the concepts and terms of their business environment.
For example, if your target audience is accountants, it will not be a big deal for them to understand what a “letter of credit,” “balance” or “depositor” is. Therefore, simplification should not be applied here.
Complex words can be used if their meaning is understood from the context. For example, ‘using this method will increase the conversion of leads to customers by 20%’. Even if the reader does not know what conversion is, he will intuitively understand that this word means ‘transformation’.
If both options are ideal, choose a word that is shorter. So between ‘Internet resource’ and ‘site’ it is better to choose the word ‘site’. Although the ‘Internet resource’ can also be used so as not to repeat the same thing in each sentence.
5. Grammatical deviation
No, we don’t urge you to write with mistakes! However, we believe that reaching the audience is more important than demonstrating that you know grammar perfectly.
That is why we recommend using words in your texts, even if not quite correct from the point of view of grammar, but understandable and close to your audience.
To sum it up
These 5 tips seem to be so simple that many of you are now probably confused: ‘Why did I not do this before?’
It doesn’t matter. The main thing is that now you can use them to the fullest! Use your knowledge to create a unique powerful online presentation but not only focusing and thinking of your own website.
There are specialized online platforms designed to host virtual presentations of companies are one of the most powerful tools for popularizing SEO-oriented commercial materials. For example, Booster offers several visibility options for any business – depending on the target audience, the goals of the online presentation and the tasks to be performed in the national or international markets.
A company online presentation is created on the basis of a number of elements (both graphic and text ones), and each of them should be correctly designed to win a better search optimization.
For example, Booster International option offers the following elements:
1. General Company Data
Here you present your corporate contact, legal, financial and other public data, as well as a logo and geolocation. It is possible to do this in various alphabets (Latin, Cyrillic, Chinese and Japanese characters, Arabic, Farsi, etc.)
2. Activity description (28 languages available!)
Here you will need the skills of correct copywriting and link building. The better the text is compiled, the more languages you use, the higher the search engine ranking will be.
3. Description of products and services
The key task in developing any virtual showcase is competent product post copywriting. Each product (or service) should be described, without duplicating the content from other sources of information, but using unique texts.
It is desirable to use two or three dofollow links in the text, to place three images. The text should be translated into the maximum number of languages (and Kompass allows you to do this!). Each such product post will have a unique address. Search engines love such texts and links!
4. Keywords
Everyone knows about the need to use keywords when making any online presentations. Booster allows you to do this in unlimited numbers and in 28 languages.
5. News and Events
Another winning promotion tool for SEO copywriters! Unique texts that tell readers the breaking news and latest events of your company, with dofollow links, in 28 languages and with a rotation on the home page – is this not the dream of any SEO specialist?
6. Video
In this context, we are interested not so much in the publishing of video materials (which in itself is an excellent tool for online promotion), but in the posting unique texts under them.
7. Online catalogs
Their task is to provide comprehensive technical information and specifications on your products and services. Their role in contributing to a corporate online presentation is invaluable.
8. Offers and Promotions
Each company used to launch promotional or bonus programs several times a year. To reach the maximum target audience is the task of any SEO specialist. Booster allows you to report your promotions, special and bonus offers direct from your company page (pop up window) to anyone who is interested in the segment in which you work. And here, as well, a unique text is required!
9. Slogan
A catchy company motto in national and other languages is an integral element of any brand style.
10. Your Client References
Your top clients’ logos are a clear indication of how well your company is performing in the market.
We have just listed 10 elements on the basis of which the company online presentation is created as part of Booster visibility offers from Kompass.
Let’s now look at the general requirements for content creating and displaying via top B2B channels, such as Kompass.com:
- Content Freshness
If you want effective online promotion to work to the fullest extent, do not forget to regularly publish new, useful, unique content (articles, posts, reviews, product descriptions) in your company profile.
Search engines treat this proactive publishing very favourably.
- Content Update
Even the oldest texts need to be edited from time to time (rewrite paragraphs, add a little new visual elements). Especially those that are already in the TOP. This once again proves to search engines that you keep working on your resource.
- Search query among the first 100 words
There are SEO promotion secrets that simply need to be performed without root cause analysis. One of them is the mandatory mention of the search query within the first hundred words of the text.
- Mobility
This means not the development of a separate mobile application, but the adaptability of the hosting website – optimizing the correctness of its display on as many gadgets as possible.
Now that you have SEO copywriting tips and you know the utility that an online business directory can provide. Use your knowledge to create a unique powerful online presentation under any of Booster options offered on the Kompass.com.
Feel free to reach out to us today and see how we can help.
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