Can the agriculture industry benefit from the modern B2B model?

22 October 2020

The agriculture industry is one of the very oldest but it still must always adapt with the times. Learn how the B2B model can help your business grow today!

By Kompass International

22 October 2020

Business to Business (B2B) is a model in which a company renders or receives products and services from another firm. This format differs from the typical business to consumer route.

As much as any other, the agriculture industry stands to gain a lot from a B2B business model. Here’s what you should know about how B2B models are shaping the agriculture industry.

A B2B model assists with grain logistics

Logistics is one of the trickiest parts of the agricultural industry. Grain logistics is particularly pesky since the product changes hands so many times.

As such, you can use some grain logistics platforms to put shippers and carriers together in the most effective way possible.

You can sell crops directly to the buyer.

Adopting a B2B model also cuts out several handlers so you can connect directly to your buyer.

The food industry is being rocked like any other in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, food is an essential item, so you can expect technology to keep evolving to improve the agricultural supply chain.

Businesses need to meet the demand of providing healthier and fresher food, and some B2B marketplaces have created apps to smooth out this process. You can use these platforms to buy and sell fresh fruit and vegetables that end up stocking grocery stores, farmers’ markets, and restaurants.

Farmers can register for accounts, begin posting auctions, and facilitate projects with consumers who need what they offer.

Finding the right distributor is a crucial piece of the puzzle. Choosing the right distributor will help you serve specific geographic areas. It also allows you to pinpoint high-potential areas of growth and improve your profit margins.

Your supply chain will also keep running like an oiled machine when you have long-standing, trustworthy relationships. Having the right distributor is foundational to building and maintaining this trust.

When you use tools like EasyBusiness, you can identify new markets and potential distributors. With, you can improve your value chain by finding the best suppliers and addressing your logistics. You’re better able to leverage the industry when you have the best tools at your disposal.

Data reporting allows companies to track and predict precipitation.

Big data and machine learning are also lending their services to the agricultural industry. You’ll need sophisticated data to help you with your forecast and crop yields.

Rather than focusing on more data, make better data your priority. Honing in on Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based precipitation reports can dictate how your farm proceeds throughout the year.

Using this data effectively can give you the most impressive yields and a return on investment (ROI), while also spending your money more wisely.

Digital precision farming technology optimizes your work and GPS makes it easier for people to find you.

Precision farming is one of the most used B2B services in the agricultural industry. It lets you manage your labor forces so that you get the most out of each work shift. The data you get is up to the moment, making it more actionable rather than static.

What’s more, quality GPS technology empowers your professionals to work even in low-visibility situations. You don’t have to worry about any blind spots since you can track your farming machinery in real-time using GPS data.

Developers are producing agricultural software as a service (SaaS)

The agricultural industry is having to streamline and lighten its overhead, just like any other business. Software as a Services (SaaS) has become a massive development in this regard.

The use of SaaS in the agricultural industry is set to grow by 28% over the next few years. With these platforms, you can access all of your data and planning from any cloud-enabled device. You won’t have to worry about losing data or limiting the amount of organization that can happen.

Since you’re getting these software packages by subscription rather than buying pricey licenses, the overhead cost is minimal.

Professionals in the agricultural industry are beginning to embrace farming customer resource management (CRM) platforms. This gives you up to the moment communication whenever an issue arises. Maintaining a CRM subscription is worth every dime, no matter the size of your agricultural business.

Agricultural companies have increasing information technology (IT) needs.

Agricultural businesses have increased IT needs as well. Since so many agrarian companies exist in rural areas, it doesn’t always make sense to bring an IT pro for a service call.

Today, B2B information technologies offer remote IT work to agricultural companies. Even agricultural companies today have to account for cybersecurity issues. Entire supply chains of data have been compromised with a man in the middle attacks and malware.

Since so much of your infrastructure and logistics are tied to this data, it’s only right to go the B2B route when hiring top of the line protection. What’s more, IT professionals can keep your hotspots working, improve encryption and sync devices.

Your company can stay on one accord when these sorts of data needs are addressed.

There’s a growing market for digital products.

We’re in the middle of a digital transformation right now. People will pay good money for all sorts of digital products as long as they provide plenty of value.

Information is currency today, and experts in the agricultural industry are winning big with digital products. E-book sales grew to shape a close to $9 billion industry in recent years.

These prospects can be lucrative, whether you have a new course on cultivation and irrigation techniques or a repair guide for farming equipment.

Keep learning about advancements in the agriculture industry.

These points show you just how fast the agriculture industry is evolving. Investing in some B2B solutions will help you capitalize on these evolutions. You’ll keep your company modern and will find new avenues to streamline your process and grow revenue.

Whether through farming equipment parts and sales or consultation services, it’s clear that B2B is here to stay as a business model in 2020. The more you stay ahead of the game with these advancements, the more you can use them to improve your agricultural business.

Check out our e-books and other info on B2B strategies.


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